The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Al-Mamlaka Al-Arabiya al-Saudiya) is a state located on southwest Asia. This country, which is a member of the UN, occupies about 2/3 of the Arabian Peninsula and a number offshore islands in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. The area is 2.25 million km2. Population-34 218 169 man (2019). Of these, 5.3 million people are not considered citizens of the country. The capital city is Riyadh. Administratively divided into 14 provinces.
2 150 000 km2
35,844,913 people
Saudi Arabia is an absolute theocratic monarchy. The head of state is the king, who at the same time He is the Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. It shapes government (cabinet). On March 1, 1992, Shuro (Advisory) was established by royal decree. council for a period of 4 years. In 1997, the number of members of the Board of Directors was increased from 60 to 90 human. The King may dissolve and reorganize the Cabinet of the Council. The king has the right to appoint ministers, dissolve and re-form the government. The government is formed mainly from members of the royal family. The activities of political parties and trade unions are officially prohibited.
Mecca (Arabic: مكّة المكرمة Mecca al-Mukarrama) is a city considered sacred to Muslims. Located in the west of Saudi Arabia, 70 km from the Red Sea. Administrative center Hijaz region. The population is 2 million more than a person (2020). In terms of population it ranks third after Riyadh and Jeddah. The Arabs call this city Umm-ul-Kurro, Umm-ul-Madoin, that is, the mother of cities. In the Qur'an it is known as "Bacca". In Mecca is the Kaaba, where Muslims perform Hajj - the fifth Ahkam of Islam. According to Muslim tradition, in Mecca lived Adam and Eve, as well as Shis, Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar.
Medina (Arabic, name - Madinat Rasulillah or Madinat Un-Nabi - the city of the prophet) - a city in Saudi Arabia, located in the western part of the country, in the province of Hijaz, in an oasis 250 km to east of the Red Sea. The population is about 750 thousand people (2002). The time of the foundation of the city is unknown. The city is famous for more than 95 names such as Madinay-Munavwara - Nurafshan Shahar, al-Islam, Kalb al-Islam, Dor al-Islam, Dor as-Sunna. In ancient times it was called Yathrib (Yathrib). Ptolemy in his "geography" called this city "Yatrippa", and Stephen of Byzantium - "Yatrippa polis". Under the name Yathrib, he is also mentioned in the Holy Quran. In 622 in Yathrib Muslims migrated, led by the Prophet Muhammad. A Muslim church was founded in Medina. statehood, and it was recognized as the first capital. Since the 7th century Medina is the largest Muslim shrine after Mecca. 632-661 BC e. - Roshidin is the capital of the country known as state of the caliphs. The administrative center of the Hijaz under the Umayyads and the Abbasids. Subordinated to Egypt since 10 century. When Egypt was invaded by the Turks (1517), it was annexed to the Ottoman Turkish kingdom, and then to the Hijaz kingdom (1919). In 1927, Medina was conquered by the troops of Ibn Saud, since 1932 part of Saudi Arabia.
Medina has retained its relevance for centuries. The largest suras of the Koran (Bakara, Oli-Imran, Niso, Moida, etc.) were sent down in Medina. There is a special printing complex in the city, where Koran of King Fahd. In the center of Medina, a large mosque was built on the site of the house of the Prophet Muhammad (656). Attraction-water tower in the city. View from the square at the top of the tower for most of the city. In Medina, the population is mainly engaged in serving pilgrims, making items of the first necessary for worship (rosaries, wands, special clothes), and on the outskirts of the city they grow agricultural and horticultural products (dates and vegetables). In Medina, from educational institutions there are: colleges, madrasas, Islamic University (1961). Three ring roads with the most modern means of communication have been built around the Medina. City bound highways with the cities of Mecca, Najaf (Iraq), Amman (Jordan), Yanbo and Jeddah. The airport is of international importance. A sea water desalination plant was built.
Umrah is a small hajj in the Islamic tradition. Umrah is an action enshrined in verses the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Umrah can be done in year to twelve months. There are two obligations in Umrah: ihram, then bypassing the Kaaba. For those who make hajj and lives in Mecca, "Tanuim" (hazrat Aisha) is considered Mayajid miikot. This treatise consists of several instructions for praying umrah: First: after a person who wishes to commit Umrah reaches Miyakot, he must to be cleansed making ghusl. A man can apply fragrances to his body without touching the clothes of ihram. If there is no possibility make ghusl in miyakot, there is no harm. Because when he reaches Mecca, if possible, he must perform ghusl before tawaf.
Second: the man takes off all the sewn clothes and ties the izor (lunge below the waist) and Rido (lunge above the waist). Men can knit izor and rido in white without wrapping their heads. On the other hand, for women, wearing simple clothes without decorations. Third: then he intends to enter into prayer with his heart and speaks with his tongue: “Labbaika Allahumma umratan" (Allah, I am ready for all your judgments and intend to die) or "Allahumma Labbaik died” (Allah, I am ready for all your judgments and intend to die). If a person in ichrome is afraid, that he will not be able to fulfill his prayer due to illness, the danger of the enemy, or for any other reason, permitted by Sharia, at the entrance to ihram he says: “if any obstacle blocks me, this land is my land of exit from ihram.” Proof of this are the words of the daughter of Zuboa Zubair. He said: "O Messenger! I want to perform Hajj, but I am sick." The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him Allah) said: "Perform Hajj. Say (O prophet) (to these polytheists): "wherever the disease [disease] did not take me by surprise, this is my land of exit from ihram. Having put on Erom, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) pronounces a talbiyah in which says: “Labbaikal-lohumma labbaik! Labbike La ball La labbike! Innal-Hama Wan-neumata lacquer Val-Mulk, La sharka lacquer. He talks a lot about this talbiyyah and the remembrance of Allah and blesses Allah a lot. Upon arrival at Masjidul-Haram, as in other mosques, he entered the door with his right foot and said: "Bismillah, vassolatu vassalamu Ala rasulillah, Auzu billahil-aziim and Bi wajhihil-kariim and sultanihil-qadiim minash-shaitanir rajiim. Allahummaf-educational abwaba rahmatik (in the name of Allah.. Peace and blessings to the Messenger of Allah. I seek refuge in the Great Allah, Satan, banished by his great face and the ancient sultanate (dargara of Allah). My God, open for me the gates of your mercy!) - this circumcision. Then he sings the talbiyah until he gets to the Kaaba.
Fourth: upon arrival at the Kaaba, the Talbiya stops talking and kills the black stone-Hajarul-Aswada-but goes towards him and strokes him with his right hand or kisses him, if he can. Not harms people. While stroking, he says: "Bismillahi wallahu akbar" (in the name of Allah and Allah is Great) or "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great). If kissing is not possible, he strokes his hand or sting and the like, and kisses that which strokes. If there is no way to stroke, he points with his hand and says: "Allahu akbar" (Allah is great). He doesn't kiss what he points to. Tawaf is correct - to be authentic, the person doing tawaf must have ghusl and wudu. Because tawaf is like prayer, and only in it is it allowed to speak. Fifth: during tawaf, the Kaaba focuses on being on its left and goes around it seven once. If it reaches the right side - “ruk-Yamani”, they caress her with the right hand and say: “Allah Akbar" and "Ruknul-Yamani" and kisses. If stroking is not possible, stroking continues in tawaf: no takbir is done on him. Upon arrival at Hajarul-Aswad, he is stroked, kissed and takbir is pronounced, as mentioned above. AT Otherwise, they point to it and say the takbir. "Kudum" for men is "raml" in the first three tawafs during Advent - fast walking in small steps, mustahabb.
In addition, it is unacceptable for men to place the middle of their Rido under the right shoulders and both sides
over the left shoulders during all the moves of the tawaf "kudum". Remembrance of Allah and recitation
the number of prayers is mustahabb when possible in all shaitans. There is no special prayer in Tavoth,
no special mention. Maybe the remembrance and prayers that you know will be read. Between
two columns: "Lord, grant us goodness in this world and in eternal life, and save us from torment in
hell".) the blessing is recited in every syllable. Because it is enshrined by the Messenger of Allah (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him). The seventh shavtni, as mentioned above, ends with a kiss or
by stroking Hajarul-Aswad, if possible, or by gesturing and reciting the takbir. Thereafter
Rido is closed: they are thrown over the shoulder, the ends are on the chest.
Sixth: for poppy seeds (O Abraham), when possible, Nikki reads a rak'ah prayer. If not
opportunities, each kayasi of the mosque will be read on the ground. His first rakah includes a sura
“Kafirun” after “Fatih”, and the second rak'ah is “Ikhlyas”. There is no harm if other suras are recited. After
after two rak'ahs are completed, Hajarul goes to Aswad and, if possible, strokes him with his right
Seventh: then he goes to Sappho (mountain) and rises or stands on it. Before running the first hose:
(إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِنْ شَعَائِرِ اللَّهِ) recites the verse "Innas-Sofa Wal-Marwata min
shairilla "(Safo and Marwa (mountains) - the lands of worship of Allah) to the end. Standing facing the qibla, a person in
ihrome, praising Allah (says: (and
وله وهو على كل شيء قدير. لا إله إلا الله وحده، أنجز وعده، ونصر عبده، وهزم الأحزاب وحده)
"Laa ilaha Illalloh, Wallohu akbar, la ilaha illallahu wahdahu La shara lakh, Lahoul-mulku wa
Lahul-hamd, wa huwa Ala kulli shayin Kodir. La ilaha illallahu Wahda, anjaza wauda and Nasara Abda and
hazamal-ahzaba Wahda "(there is no God but Allah, and Allah is great! There is no deity but Allah, without
partner, and only he has inherent attraction and praise. Truly, he is capable of anything. There is no deity
except for Allah alone. He is true to his promise, helped his slave and defeated his enemies himself), raises
hands and blesses, repeating this mention and prayer three times.
Then he goes to Mount Marwa, and when he reaches the first mark, the men run and run until they reach the second mark. Women's races are not specified in Sharia. Because women are awrahs. Then, continuing, they climb Mount Marva or stand on Marva: it is preferable to climb to the top of the mountain. On Mount Marwa, what was done on Mount Sappho is also being done. However, the verse mentioned above is not recited. He takes the verse after the model of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and reads it only in the first verse on Mount Safa. He then descends the mountain and runs across the slow, running land until he reaches Mount Sappho. Seven shavts are pronounced like this: to go is one, and to return is a separate shavt. In particular, there is nothing wrong with riding something if necessary. During the walk, you should remember a lot and pray. In this walk, you also need to do ghusl and ablution. But there is nothing wrong with walking without ablution. Eighth: men need to cut their hair if grooming efforts are coming to an end. Shaving is preferable. If the time of arrival in Mecca is close to the Hajj season, it is preferable to shorten the hair. Because the rest of the hair can be shaved off during the pilgrimage season. For women, it is enough to collect hair and cut it to the size of the tip to the knuckle or less. When the person who binds the ihrom performs the actions mentioned above, the umrah prayer ends in walhamdu Lilla and everything that was haram becomes halal. May Allah bless us and all our Muslim brothers to be faqih and followers in their religion and accept their prayers from everyone. Indeed, He is generous, merciful!