Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Kond Hoa ha Hoi Chu Ngia Viet Nam), BKP - state in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina peninsula. In the administrative respect, it is divided into 63 provinces (TIN) and 4 cities of central subordination - Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Haiphong and Hue. The capital is Hanoi Sahara.
331 210 km2
97 582 693 people
Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Its current constitution was adopted on 19
December 1980 (with subsequent amendments). Head of State President
(Nguyen Xuan Phuc since April 5, 2021), elected by the National Assembly for a term
for 5 years. The highest body of state power and legislative power
is the National Assembly. Executive power is exercised by the government
led by the prime minister.
More than 80% of the country's territory is made up of mountains and plateaus. Located in the north
Yunnan Highlands, divided by deep river valleys, in the Central and
southern parts - some massifs of the Annam mountain system (Kontum, Darlak, Mnong and
other). Here is the highest point of Vietnam - 3280 m. Coast
The sea consists of lowlands, the largest of which are in the foothills
rivers Hongha in the north and Mekong in the south.
Winter is dry and summer is rainy, subequatorial monsoon. average temperature
ranges from 27°, 29° in the north to 14°, 17° in January and from 24°, 26° in the south.
The annual rainfall is 1500-3000 mm. Typhoons happen in June and August.
86% of the population is Vietnamese. Also live Thais, Khmers, Meo or Miao, Mans or Yao, Hmong, Chinese and others. 34% of the population lives in cities. Among believers-55% Buddhists, 7% Catholics. There are also those who profess Islam. Major cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Nam Din.
Official language
In the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. North Vietnamese territory was settled Vietnamese ancestors. In the 3rd century BC. in the Red River Delta their the first slave-owning state - Aulak. This period is considered to be the origin of the culture of the Vietnamese people, the Lakvets. In 207 B.C. Aulac merged with the Vietnamese state of Namwet. In the 2nd-1st centuries BC. rules in namwet Chinese Han Dynasty. This state was called Zyaoti, then Annam, until 7 century. The Lakvets fought for a long time against the policy of sinization and oppression of the Chinese feudal lords and finally achieved independence in 939. In 968 the country was conquered by Dikovet (Great Britain). Later this state became large feudal state in Southeast Asia. During the Li Dynasty (1069-1225) the country began to be called Dai Viet. The capital is Tan Long (modern Hanoi).
The length of railways - 2.6 thousand km, roads - 300 thousand km, the length of inland waterways is about 40 thousand km. Main seaports: Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong, Da Nang, Hung, Kamfa. Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi have international airports. Vietnam exports oil, coal, rice, rubber, tin, coffee, fish, and marine and agricultural products. Receives oil products, fertilizers, steel, rolled metal, cement, cotton, machinery from abroad. Main foreign trade customers: Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, France, Australia, Germany. The monetary unit is Dong.